Infrastructure And Learning Resources


Detail of the Facilities Available 

  1. a) Curricular and co-curricular activities – classrooms, technology enabled learning spaces, seminar halls, tutorial spaces, laboratories, botanical garden, animal house, specialized facilities and equipment for teaching, learning and research etc, are available in our college campus.
  2. b) Extra – curricular activities – sports, outdoor and indoor games, gymnasium, auditorium, NSS, cultural activities, Public speaking, communication skills development, yoga, health and hygiene etc.
S.No. Curricular and co-curricular activities No. of rooms
1 Classrooms 60









Technology enabled learning Spaces 02
Meeting Hall 02
UG Microbiology Lab 01
PG Microbiology Lab 01
UG Biochemistry Lab 01
PG Biochemistry Lab 01
Zoology Lab 01
Chemistry Lab 01
Physics Lab 01
Dark Room 02
Computer Science Lab 01
Computer Applications Lab 01
M.Phil Research Lab 01
Smart Class room 01
Library 01
Language Lab 01
Digital kit lab 01
3 Overhead Projectors 01
Slide Projectors 04
Xerox Machines 02
Computers 150
Multimedia Projectors 01
Smart Boards 01
Multimedia CD ROMs 02
Internet facilities in the college labs. 01
Software Development Unit and

Central Computing Facility.


Recreational spaces for staff and students

 Safe drinking water facility

 RO water coolers are available on each and every floor of the college building.


 The college has a huge, state-of-the-art auditorium, with a seating capacity of 1200, with green rooms, washrooms, light control rooms, stores for costumes and stage property, etc. Its huge foyer serves as a space for rehearsals and exhibitions. It is constantly used for academic functions, National and International Conferences, Cultural Programmes for University and State level festivals, stage rehearsals, and interactive sessions of the students and the faculty with eminent educationalists from India and abroad.

Seminar Hall

 The college has a Seminar Hall, with a seating capacity of 400, with stores for costumes and stage property, etc. Its huge foyer serves as a space for rehearsals and exhibitions. It is constantly used for academic functions, National and International Conferences, Cultural Programmes for festivals, stage rehearsals, and interactive sessions of the students and the faculty with eminent educationists from India and abroad.


ICT and other Infrastructure tools

  • OPAC
  • Electronic Resource Management package for e-journals
  • Federated searching tools to search articles in multiple databases
  • Library Website
  • In-house/remote access to e-publications
  • Library automation
  • Total number of computers for public access
  • Total number of printers for public access
  • Internet band width/ speed □ 2mbps  □ 10 mbps  □ 1 gb (GB)
  • Institutional Repository
  • Content management system for e-learning
  • Participation in Resource sharing networks/consortia (like Inflibnet)
  • The college provides to the students a central computing facility equipped with 20 computers and broadband Internet connection, printer, scanner and photocopier. Students are utilizing this facility for their project work.
  • On the special request of students and faculty members, this central computing facility is also opened during holidays or examination days.
  • The college provides facility of the virtual library to PG students.
  • The college provides CD Library to our students.
  • Audio-Visual Resources are available in the library.
  • Language Lab has also been set up for students.
  • Smart classrooms provide students access to ICT-enabled classrooms/learning spaces.